cream cheese brand Feta

Feta cheese identically refer to Greek salads for most of us. That is something to be understood because we live on eastern region of the world that not really familiar with cheese in our everyday life. Quite different with Mediterranean people. Greeks are the highest consumers of cheese, with half of the total cheese they consumed is the feta cheese.

cream cheese brand Feta

Below is some inspiration to make a delicious food using feta cheese as the ingredients

  • On potatoes

Simply sprinkle the feta cheese on your mashed potatoes or the baked one or the scalloped potatoes to get a delicious cheesy taste to your dinner or lunch time

  • Pizza time!

Combine with the taste of the topping of your pizza with fresh tomato, olives and artichokes, fetta sprinkle will add the delish on your pizza time!

  • Sandwich

Not your usual sandwich style, drizzle your baguette with olive and vinegar then sprinkle some oregano and top with slice of feta cheese, definitely will give you a whole new experience for the tasting journey. Or you can try to grilled cheese, using the feta cheese and olive oil instead of using butter.

  • Stuffing, fill it!

Another creation to fill the mushrooms, zucchini, or stuffed peppers. Combine the filling with feta cheese, olive oil, herbs and breadcrumbs. Another filling dinner inspiration right

  • Salad!

This is the most usual way to enjoy the feta cheese. Many of us having experience to encounter the taste of feta cheese mostly on the salad that coincidently being ordered in restaurants and served with feta cheese on it. The easiest thing to prepare, make Greek salad with tomato, cucumber, olives then add the feta cheese on it!

YUMMY Fetah Cheese can be your choice, it also can be your choice if you looking for cream cheese brand recommendation.

By ayead

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